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The exclusive interview with Marketing Executive of the Canvas Club!


Today we would like to tell you about Canvas Club in Singapore. It provides content-rich environment, providing a unique social gathering and entertainment lifestyle space. 
Credo of the Club: "We dont remember days, we remember moments".

We had chance to talk with Marketing Executive - Bryan Kang.


DJANEMAG: Can you tell about yourself ? How did you start a work in the club? How long do you personally work there? What are your responsibilities ? 

Bryan Kang: Two years ago, I frequented Canvas for Hip Hop nights. I had a few friends who worked in management here. When some of them moved on to other jobs, I eventually took over theirs. Currently I run marketing as my main post here.


DJANEMAG: When was club opened? What is the story of club`s name? What is the capacity, politic of club, price? 

Bryan Kang: Canvas opened 3-4 years ago. Before that, it was known as Homeclub. Canvas represents a move forward and becoming a place where everyone can come together to enjoy different sorts of music. Canvas functions as an event space that is modular to accommodate all sorts of events, like a blank canvas.


DJANEMAG: What music was initially played in it, which is preferred today? 

Bryan KangInitially, Canvas was the place to go to for D&B, House, Techno and much more. Mostly genres are lesser heard in clubs regularly.


DJANEMAG: What club is the World`s #1 to your mind?

Bryan Kang: I don't think I am at the position to call it but I really enjoy The Council because I am a fan of the 4/4 genres.


DJANEMAG: Do you have Djane residents in the club?

Bryan Kang: Our resident female DJ is Nicolette, wife of our Entertainment Manager, who is also our resident DJ.


DJANEMAG: What are the criteria of choosing the DJane for a special show? 

Bryan Kang: As long as she can bring a good vibe. 


DJANEMAG: Which DJane do you think is the best in nowadays electronic music community?

Bryan Kang: Peggy Gou.


DJANEMAG: Do you notice more guest activity at nights when DJane is announced (in comparison with male DJs shows)?

Bryan Kang: Yes.


DJANEMAG: What is the secret of your club? How to be success and popularity club as you are? 

Bryan Kang: Never give up and always think forward.


First of all, we would like to thank Bryan for taking time to answer us.
We hope our readers exactly will visit Canvas Club!